The State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive, e-mobil BW GmbH, coordinates the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West. As the network for stakeholders from the entire added-value chain, the cluster offers access to current market and industry trends.
The radical transformation the automotive industry is currently undergoing represents an enormous challenge for established industrial structures. Supportive and controlling activities, as the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West offers them, can therefore make a significant contribution to mastering this challenge successfully.
The automotive industry is currently facing enormous challenges worldwide. In particular in the state of Baden-Württemberg, which is highly dependent on the automotive industry as it provides one in ten jobs, large, small and medium-sized companies must now adapt so that they can defend their pole position as providers of leading technologies on the world market in the future. The Cluster Electric Mobility South-West brings together companies and research institutes from Baden-Württemberg so that together, they can shape the transformation to mobility of the future.
In a cross-industry approach, the leading-edge Cluster Electric Mobility South-West collaborates with an impressive network of companies, universities and research institutes, providing a decisive impetus to the industrialisation of electric mobility in the South-West of Germany.
In a region that has been home to the automotive industry and its suppliers for more than 130 years, the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West unites about 200 stakeholders from industry and science. Within the cluster, large, medium-sized and small businesses from different industries are brought together with research institutes in the form of a unique, extremely stable cooperation network that has grown over a long period of time, accelerating research and development. The cluster makes a decisive contribution to the technological transformation towards low-emission, competitive and marketable mobility.