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Evaluation of integrated electric mobility

In the framework of the new project of the leading edge cluster Electric Mobility South-West “BIE”, cluster partners from industry and research develop supporting systems to enhance the integration and acceptance of electric vehicles. As an outcome, dedicated forecast models will allow, amongst other things, an enhanced range prediction for entire vehicle fleets and provide a comprehensive decision basis for individual users. In order to establish Germany as a leading market for electric mobility, the already available offers must become even more suitable for daily use. To achieve this, an improved combination of various mobility providers on the one hand is necessary, and, on the other hand, it must be made easier for users to access the e-fleets of car sharing companies.

Goals and approach

In the project BiE (Evaluation of integrated electric mobility), which is part of the leading edge cluster electric mobility South West, the project partners want to develop e-mobility assistance, amongst other things. This is a software programme, which will support car sharing companies in more effective fleet management in the future. To this end, forecasts and simulation models, which enable improved planning of the ranges of individual vehicles and total vehicle fleets, will be developed and used. In addition, this software is designed to better link car sharing and public transport providers. To achieve this, various interaction models will be researched and subsequently implemented in the software. The researched models will be tested in field trials. Various user groups should gain added value from the project BiE. With the help of an innovative software application, all the relevant information regarding mobility - e.g. connection possibilities, booking and payment methods, range or also charging stations - will be made available to the users. Due to this interaction of all development and validation steps, a high service quality and seamless everyday integration are to be made possible for the user groups, and therefore create the pre-requisite for the wide acceptance of electric mobility.

Innovations and prospects

The innovative approach is the integration of all internal and external influence factors that are important for e-mobility assistance. In this way, for example, vehicle capacity utilisation is improved, prognosis models for the service providers are made possible, and the user is given ideal support in using electric mobility.

Project Profile

Group coordinator

  • Cantamen GmbH

Project period

  • 10/2014 – 03/2017

Project partners

  • Cantamen GmbH, Hannover
  • esentri AG, Ettlingen
  • FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe
  • KIT Karlsruhe Institute für Technologie, Karlsruhe
  • RA Consulting GmbH, Bruchsal
  • raumobil GmbH, Karlsruhe 
  • Robert Bosch GmbH, Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe
  • stadtmobil Carsharing GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe
  • stadtmobil Rhein-Neckar AG, Mannheim
  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation, Stuttgart

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)