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Working Group Skilled Workforce and Qualification

The working group addresses the topic of education and advanced vocational training with regard to automated, networked and electric mobility and examines suitable measures and instruments. The aim of the working group is to define governmental and in-house measures to prepare current and future employees for the expected changes. Changes in professions and work organization as well as ensuring competences in the work process are considered. Furthermore, the focus is on future work models and concepts of new work.

In Baden-Württemberg, the automotive industry, suppliers and related sectors employed in 2019 around 470,000 people, which corresponds to approx. 11 % of all employees subject to social insurance contributions in the region. The structural study BWe mobil 2019 provides a detailed analysis of the automotive cluster in Baden-Württemberg.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to support the Baden-Württemberg companies to secure their long-term sustainability. In a context of multiple technological developments and an economically dynamic mobility sector, it is a challenge, for smaller companies in particular, to reposition themselves.

The working group “Skilled Workforce and Qualification” brings together relevant players, informs about suitable funding calls and initiates new projects.
Getty Images / piranka

Qualifying the workforce for the future

The technological change as well as the increasing complexity of professions lead to high needs for investment and qualification. In the future, the flexibilization of work concepts will play a central role, and the regulatory framework must be adapted to these requirements. Digitalization can be used to increase flexibility and strengthen mobile working.

The opportunities for employees for systematic qualification in the future field of digitalization must be enhanced and a culture of lifelong learning promoted.

For this reason, the working group “Skilled Workforce and Qualification” has been formed in the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West. It brings together relevant players, informs about suitable funding calls and initiates new projects. The working group is open to all cluster members.

Cooperation and activities

During the working group meetings, which take place approximately four times a year, the cluster members can present themselves and their competences, attend expert presentations and initiate joint projects with working group partners. Especially small and medium-sized companies have the opportunity to benefit from networking and to build up know-how for their strategic work. Regarding compliance with antitrust law, the e-mobil BW code of conduct applies.