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Dialogue for automated, connected and electric mobility

The project pursues two essential targets related to automated, connected and electric driving. The first target is to present and explain the current state of the technology to the interested public, thereby initiating a dialogue. The second target is to further advance the development through dedicated measures.

Zwei Personen unterhalten sich auf einem Messestand.
At the i-Mobility trade fair, the DiaMANT project was explained to visitors. Photo: e-mobil BW/ KD Busch.
e-mobil BW / KD Busch

Objectives and methods

Several factors decide whether people accept or reject a technology.
These include a person's basic technological affinity, personal experience and to what extent the technology and its implications are understood. The DiaMANT project takes these considerations into account by creating various opportunities to experience the technology of automated, connected and electric driving (ACE) as part of a roadshow. Here the technology can be critically examined and discussed with other people, among them experts in the fields of research, development and education. In addition, the further development of ACE will be advanced by implementing two use cases.

  • Automated manoeuvring in a bus depot: automated washing of the buses
  • Scheduled bus services with an automated shuttle: the shuttle links Ludwigsburg station with an industrial area. It also runs between a nursing home and nearby shops and doctors.


Project work packages:

WP 1: "Automated and connected driving" roadshow in Baden-Württemberg
WP 2: Automated manoeuvring between service points on bus depot premises
WP 3: Live demonstration of an automated shuttle service to public transport hubs


Accompanying research

As the project title already implies, the aim is to establish a dialogue with the public, shifting the focus from mere explaining to listening. Over the entire course of the project, the experience and requirements of specific target groups with regard to ACE will be analysed by means of validated evaluation questionnaires and interviews. The existing level of knowledge about automated and connected mobility and the basic attitude towards it, as well as reasons for approving or rejecting automated and connected driving, electric mobility and related technologies, will be examined. As well as the acceptance of an automated shuttle service by passengers, its effect on other road users shall also be investigated.


Innovations and outlook

The project aims to validate new technical developments for automated and connected driving. Automated vehicles are tested under real-life conditions and their acceptance by the public is examined. In addition, the research findings from the project will further consolidate scientific and technical expertise in the field of automated driving. The demo or pilot operation shall serve to identify possible improvement potential with regard to the overall sensory system for automated driving. The pilot phase also serves as basis for a business model, focusing on the economic and technical organisation of regular operation.

Project profile

Project coordinator

  • City of Ludwigsburg

Project duration

  • 01/2018 – 12/2020

Project partners

  • City of Ludwigsburg
  • City of Stuttgart
  • FKFS, Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart
  • IVK, Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering at the University of Stuttgart
  • Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB)
  • Technical Academy for Vocational Training Schwäbisch Gmünd e.V. (TA)
  • e-mobil BW, State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg

Sponsored by the Ministry of Transport of the State of Baden-Württemberg.