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Climate-friendly commercial vehicles: great potential in avoiding CO2 emissions

In the reduction of CO2 emissions, the area of long-distance transport with heavy trucks has great potential, but also poses challenges with regard to energy supply and the choice of location for the corresponding infrastructure. The "VorPiLaTes" project aims to gain important insights into how a pilot infrastructure can be implemented in Baden-Württemberg and how the further expansion of charging and hydrogen filling stations can be supported and accelerated.

Model charging and refuelling infrastructure for long-haul trucks project network: PiLaTes

The aim of the project network "Model Charging and Hydrogen Filling Station for Trucks BW" -PiLaTes is the planning, construction and operation of a model filling station for high-performance fast charging as well as for the gaseous and liquid refuelling of hydrogen for battery-electric and fuel cell trucks at a suitable location in Baden-Württemberg. In addition, questions regarding the subsequent nationwide expansion of infrastructure for climate-friendly trucks in Baden-Württemberg are to be answered. The state government intends to support the project as part of the Strategic Dialogue for the Automotive Sector in Baden-Württemberg.

Currently, a feasibility study is being jointly funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management in a preliminary project (VorPiLaTes).

Sonnenaufgang mit LKW auf einer Landstraße, daneben zwei Tanksymbole für Strom und Wasserstoff.
Olaf Simon – iStock, Fraunhofer IAO

The project phases

The entire project is divided into three phases:

  • Pre-project (VorPiLaTes): Feasibility study for the realisation project.
  • Realisation project (PiLaTes) from January 2023: Construction and operation of the first site
  • Scaling project: Options for the area-wide expansion of infrastructure for climate-friendly long-distance trucks in Baden-Württemberg

Pre-project to identify a suitable site: VorPiLaTes

The objective of the "VorPiLaTes" project is a feasibility study for the realisation of a model filling station for high-speed charging as well as for gaseous and liquid hydrogen refuelling. The primary objective of the pre-project is to identify a suitable location for the main project. The state of the art and standards development as well as the current and future market availability of high-capacity fast charging and refuelling station infrastructure for long-distance truck transport will also be determined. The space requirements will also be analysed, an infrastructure layout drawn up and capacity requirements defined. In addition, studies are to be carried out on the area-wide expansion of infrastructure for climate-friendly trucks in Baden-Württemberg.

Project Profile

Network coordinator:

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO

Project duration:

  • 07/2022 – 12/2022

Project partners:

  • Daimler Truck AG
  • EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
  • H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
  • Netze BW GmbH